Sunday, October 10, 2010

We're moving! (again)

I've been working on a new site this past month, it's still a work in progress, but A LOT of improvements. Here's the new address!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

You speaky Ingrish?

Today I was catching up with some reading at McDonalds - just like everyone else there. I couldn't help but notice that the title of book the lady next to me was reading was, "Inglish for Business". I wonder what kind of language that is, Inglish.

That's what she said....

People don't crack "that's what she said" jokes around here.
I hope it stays that way

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Let's see...

Something to ponder about as the Summer is coming to an end...
... but seriously, girls. Put on some clothes when it's cold, and take off those jackets when it's hot. It makes sense, no?

Monday, August 23, 2010


Girls would be forever obsessed with their weight and the constant need to diet. Despite the variety of diet procedures and aids out there, at the end of the day the key is healthy meal with proper exercise.

Perhaps the fact that everyone's in their tip-top shape during the summer (Hello, bikinis?) creates a certain pressure. All of a sudden, all the marketing for weird diets begin to make sense, and even the tiniest budge appears to be a catastrophe.

I'm blaming the heat and humidity for all this confusion. Madness.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Meet the new "Bakapuru"

"Bakapuru" - that's right, it's short for "Baka" (idiot) "couple". Meet Onigiri, my evil twin sister, and her boyfriend, Niku.

Onigiri might appear just as sweet and innocent as I am on the outside - but watch out. The "Oni" (demon) is definitely there... I wonder why Niku even stays with her. Nikusyoku men like him are so rare these days...

Take for example at what she did to the poor guy the other day...

It all started with this popular arcade game, "Cho chabudaishi". It's a table-flipping simulator both me and Onigiri play with from time to time. It's a good stress-reliever, for sure. Look, I had even made it to the daily #1 ranking for one of the stages (A lot going on these past few months) !


Saturday, July 10, 2010

them stylist pouches

The "hair stylist pouch" has remained in fashion for the past five years (or so)
Guess who finally got one?

Once you go skinny (jeans), you can't go back.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tanabata - Star Festival

Oh the pessimism...

This past Wednesday, 07/07, was Tanabata Star Festival! There are many versions of the legend behind the festival, but the general gist of it concerns two star lovers that were doomed to be separated forever by the Milky Way River. The only day they could finally meet each other was on the 7th day of the 7th month.

So everyone hangs up their wish on a bamboo branch, which could be found everywhere - department store, streets, shrines, office common room, in hopes that the happy couple would make their wishes come true.

This year I hung mine up at Disney Land. Maybe the cuteness of Disney products would increase my chances... hey, you never know, LoL

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Last week, the17th, was Latte's Birthday~
Wishing you all the best my love

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ladies Day

Most movie theaters have "ladies day" on Wednesdays. With 500 yen discount, tickets are only 1000yen for the ladies~

Yesterday went to see a movie with Latte... sorta

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sumo Sumo Sumo!

Checked out the May Sumo Grand Tournament today! Oh the intensity. After wards, Chashu suggested that we ate "Chanko" nabe for the complete sumo experience. Chanko nabe is supposed to be the official "Sumo food" - a hearty hotpot meal filled with protein to raise strong large wrestlers...

... or so they say

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Staying in with Matchan

One moment it's hot, the next it's back pouring. Tokyo's sad and gloomy when it rains, I absolutely hate it. But hey, on the bright side I'm staying in and spending more quality time with my Matchan.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wii Fit vs DDR

I've been wanting a WiiFit since forever. Not only would it help my lazy butt get some exercise (and hopefully in better shape), it's also really fun.

BUT - I'll never be able to afford one. First I would need to purchase the actual Wii console, then the balance board, the game itself, and now Wiifit plus to complete the experience. The official Nintendo Yoga Mat and the matching water bottle would be nice too.

Anyways. My old DDR for PS2 would do for now. That is - if Matchan (and my neighbors) would even let me play it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Meet Chashu

Chashu complained that I tend to pick on Japanese men
a lot - especially things concerning their feminine tendencies. He claimed that he'll show all of us what real [ramen-eating, gatsby-enhanced] men are made of....

...or maybe not

For more character information on Chashu (Matchan and Latte as well!), check out "Side Dishes" under "Menu"

So while the three of us - Kimchi, Latte, and Chashu - were just chilling at Latte's apartment, an unexpected guest showed up. Matchan - save us!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still cold in Tokyo...

It was supposed to be nice and warm in Tokyo many weeks ago. Recently it's been series of cloudy, rainy, and chilly days.

I'm beginning to sort through my pile of winter clothes for something warmer - like my 大事大事 Heattech tees from Uniqlo. These babies really keep me warm.

Golden Week

Yay to a week long national holiday!

Time to get more ZzZ in the system....

...and more Main Courses to be served!

Main Courses

Main Courses are now being served!

Found under "Menu", "Main Course" is essentially the Archives to all the Kimchi+Rice skits posted.

I'm also going to re-post all the older Main Courses below:

4/14/2010 - Aside from the romantic atmosphere, awesome parades, overpriced food, and mediocre rides...some people go to Disney Sea just for THIS

4/12/2010- Spring is supposedly here. Everyone's back outside and here's what happens...

3/31/2010 - Never a fan of rush hour trains. The B.O, the sweaty salaryman, the awkward positions. None of that.

- Been wasting all my hard earned money at these themed restaurants. At the time, all the fun and hype seemed like a pretty good idea.

3/11/2010- Matsusaka... Kobe... All y'all luxurious 和牛 I can never ever afford to eat....

2/19/2010- Just got back from a Ski Trip from Hokkaido, Snowboard Trip from Aizu, and all the goodness of crashing at other people's house

- It's Valentines Day! The most heavily marketed holiday (?) in Japan! Seriously, didn't mind all the free chocolate samplers they were giving out everywhere.

2/5/2010 - The moment I think I'm too good for these free tissues...
bad things happen.

2/4/2010- Introducing my friend, Latte! xoxoxo

2/3/2010- Happy Birthday to my lovely Sister and Setsubun day throughout Japan

2/1/2010- Rice's first time at a real Japanese Ramen shop. Unforgettable.

1/31/2010- Meet my best friend, Matchan! Here we are on our way home

1/30/2010 - Just discovered Adobe Photoshop. Pretty psyched. Patterns!!!

Just came back from ABC mart... oh the shock and horror!

1/28/2010- Food, my greatest friend and enemy.

1/27/2010- How do you resist playing on these fancy bidets?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Move in day!

Rice and I agreed that it was time for us to move out of our old apartment at officelive. Definitely too small and our workaholic neighbors weren't so friendly.

We're in the process of moving out of our old small business dominated neighborhood, so our new home is still a mess. Some of our old belongings and furniture's dimension aren't fitting in so nicely, but we'll figure something out.