Main Courses are now being served!
Found under "Menu", "Main Course" is essentially the Archives to all the Kimchi+Rice skits posted.
I'm also going to re-post all the older Main Courses below:
4/14/2010 - Aside from the romantic atmosphere, awesome parades, overpriced food, and mediocre rides...some people go to Disney Sea just for THIS

4/12/2010- Spring is supposedly here. Everyone's back outside and here's what happens...

3/31/2010 - Never a fan of rush hour trains. The B.O, the sweaty salaryman, the awkward positions. None of that.

3/16/2010- Been wasting all my hard earned money at these themed restaurants. At the time, all the fun and hype seemed like a pretty good idea.
3/11/2010- Matsusaka... Kobe... All y'all luxurious 和牛 I can never ever afford to eat....

2/19/2010- Just got back from a Ski Trip from Hokkaido, Snowboard Trip from Aizu, and all the goodness of crashing at other people's house
2/14/2010- It's Valentines Day! The most heavily marketed holiday (?) in Japan! Seriously, didn't mind all the free chocolate samplers they were giving out everywhere.

2/5/2010 - The moment I think I'm too good for these free tissues...
bad things happen.
2/4/2010- Introducing my friend, Latte! xoxoxo2/3/2010- Happy Birthday to my lovely Sister and Setsubun day throughout Japan 
2/1/2010- Rice's first time at a real Japanese Ramen shop. Unforgettable.

1/31/2010- Meet my best friend, Matchan! Here we are on our way home

1/30/2010 - Just discovered Adobe Photoshop. Pretty psyched. Patterns!!!

1/29/2010- Just came back from ABC mart... oh the shock and horror!

1/28/2010- Food, my greatest friend and enemy.
1/27/2010- How do you resist playing on these fancy bidets?